Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Hello!!!!! I'm still here!

Hello everyone!!! (I mean all 2 of you who read this! LOL ) I am here still...

I have ignored my blog for far too long... for this I am sorry... Things have been crazy in my life....

To catch you all up to speed:

April: nothing exciting
May: I moved home from Modesto-
All My stuff packed up on my last night in Modesto

June: Tried to get back in the groove of being home again... and started working at fair... 

July: My cousins came for a visit and we spent more time at the fair. 

Oh and State fair!!!! 

Here is a mini State Fair Slide Show... at least the important things
Aaron and Joshy carrying Mr. Chompers Mc Snuggles

Josh after being attacked my all of us with pillows
Awesome Ace of Cakes sculpture
Add caption
Awesome Long Horn Cattle
Beautiful Sunset on my drive home!

Me at Auction

Pork Ready to be pulled

Other Happenings:  I've also been working more with Big Ed. It has been lots of fun. We spend lots of time pulling pork and making delicious sandwiches. YUMMM

Pulled Pork!