Thursday, April 12, 2012

Deja Vu?

So Funny.... I wrote this in 2008 and I still feel the same way... Good thing I have a new plan... and the ball is a rolling!!!


So here is me in 2008... lol

AWW Crap...

Current mood:strong
I'm still here... I'm still waiting for something better to come along I guess... not really moving forward but not sliding backwards either. I guess I'm stuck... I don't know where to turn... I have a plan... the problem will be execution of it and convincing mom that this is what I need... Maybe its convincing me this is what I need...

I need to move on. I need a change... I realized this evening as I was laying in bed... that I AM ready for change and ready to grow up. I've always thought of myself as this amazingly strong and confident person but I really truly think I've been hiding... I don't know.

So the plan:

- Save every penny I can between now and August of 2009.
-Rent an apartment in Modesto
-Attend MJC (Modesto Junior College)
-Work locally like Olive Garden or Something along those lines.
-Finish my AS
-Go to Fresno

I really think that this is where my path is leading. I feel like I know I want to study Ag but how do I know if I am not taking any AG classes. I thought I wanted to study Nursing until I got to Sonoma and didn't like it.

I really am thinking this is a good idea... please feel free to tell me if I'm crazy.

I think that I will tell my mom around the first of the year. I'll try and map out all the details over the Holidays...

I need opinions and people's views I know I dont know it all and need some help!

I love y'all and hope to see you guys ASAP!!!