Sunday, February 25, 2007

ho hum pig's bum... life is grand... NOT

hmmm so I haven't posted in hella days... so what has happened...

I have moved home and am now settled into a nice routine at West Valley... I love being backhome but I am begining to get this trapped feeling again...

I feel like I need an adventure and like I am never going to go anywhere... like I am trapped here and like there is nothing I can do to get out... I really want to be free... but at the same time I am scared to leave... I would miss my friends and my family...

I get this empty feeling and cry a lotwanting something more than what I have here...

Tiff has moved in with me cuz her parents have kicked her out... It's nice having a roommate...
I've never had anyone live with me befoer...

so what else is new other than the fact that I still need money... and have no clue where I am going to get it from...
and I haven't met any one of interest recently...
A lot of things have changed but I still have three of the best friends that anyone could ask for...

I guess I still get depressed a lot of the time but I am learning to deal with it...

I am sitting in eva's kitchen... my usual late night hangh out spot and I am writing this listening to Eva and Tiff talk about bras... lol... wow... ok I am going to end this and I will be back soon...!!

Love y'all


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This is great info to know.