Wednesday, November 11, 2009


some mornings, like this one, where I have nothing to do I put itunes on shuffle and let it play. I pick the first song and let it ride... some days its all the crappy music I don't want to hear but other days its amazing! its all the right songs at the right songs, the perfect mix of older "memory lane" songs and new fun songs, slow songs, fast songs, country and pop. AHHH BLISS

TODAY WAS A GOOD iTUNES DAY! So i'm gunna let it ride some more... and listen to the healing music and hopefully feel better.

Wednesday, November 04, 2009

Happy Birthday Grandma!

Today is my Nana's 87th Birthday. My grandma is one of the most special people to me. She helped to raise me and I have lived with her since I was 5. She read to me as I ate my breakfast, put my hair in the perfect ponytail, drove me to school and picked me up all through elementary school. In afternoons we would go for picnics in Central park on our Goose Table Cloth on "the island" and we would go leaf crunching in the fall on our walk to "my" park (which all the cousins called their park, but I'm the baby so it officially belongs to me!)

My grandma has raised 4 children, one who is severly handicapped, has taught sunday school forever,  is a widow, a Great Depression and WWII Survivor. She worked and put dinner on the table daily, followed her husband of 50 years all over the world, and got to live in cool places like Japan, Texas and Hawaii. She also has supported all of us through thick and thin, and rolls with the punches (like me bringing home a puppy!) Everyone loves her, people wish she was their Grand-ma but she's mine!! :)

To me she is a great source of inspiration and perseverance. On Mother's Day 10 years ago my grandma almost lost her life. She was involved in a car accident in West Virginia and was hit directly on her side of the vehicle. She suffered massive injuries and we all thought this was the end. Almost the whole family rushed out there to be by her side and say good-bye because we were told that she may not live through the night. But Grandma pulled through. She re-learned how to walk and use her arm. She fought through shitty, abusive nurses and new meds.

Nearly 8 years later my grandma fell and broke her hip. I was the only one home. I remember hearing her yell for help and thanking God that I was there for her. After undergoing surgery she learned how to walk...again. She came through that like a champ (once the stupid Doctors fixed her meds and stopped ODing her on seizure meds.)

Today my grandma is as healthy as you can expect for a normal 87 year old woman who grew up in the time when cigarettes were cool and Vodka Martinis were a daily indulgence.

I think one of the best things about my Grandma is her unconditional love... no matter how badly you screwed up she will give you a hug and a kiss, tell you it will be ok and help you pick yourself off the ground.

So here's to you grandma, I raise my oversized coffee cup to you, I know you won't live another 87 years but I know you have a few more in you! I love you more than words can say. I'll never be able to express my gratitude towards you. When I grow up I hope I can be the same kind of pillar of strength for my family that you have been for ours. It would be an honor to be anywhere close to you!  We all love you.  I'll see you this weekend!

Tuesday, November 03, 2009

Murder by Thorasic

No this isn't a post about Jurassic Park (sadly) although I should watch it and blog about the awesomeness of Jurassic Park... becasue it is awesome... I digress

I am being murdered... NOT EXAGGERATING!!! (LOL)

My back is killing my and quite slowly I may add... for like 2 weeks now I have been having HORRIBLE back pain.. I've tried stretching, walking, icing, more icing, heat and icing every 20 minutes, laying on the floor and crying, laying on my bed and crying, sitting on the couch and crying... it got so bad today that I couldn't sit in those horrible desks at school and had to excuse myself from class...

I am considering breaking down and taking a vicodin (ooh haven't blogged that story either... I will get to it sometime today) just for some relief but I'm holding out... If I can make it 48 more hours I can go see my wonderful chiropractor... it may be time for a full hour long work up not the normal crack and go...

Ok time to switch positions as I have been doing every few minutes once the pain becomes close to intolerable....

This sucks...