Tuesday, November 03, 2009

Murder by Thorasic

No this isn't a post about Jurassic Park (sadly) although I should watch it and blog about the awesomeness of Jurassic Park... becasue it is awesome... I digress

I am being murdered... NOT EXAGGERATING!!! (LOL)

My back is killing my and quite slowly I may add... for like 2 weeks now I have been having HORRIBLE back pain.. I've tried stretching, walking, icing, more icing, heat and icing every 20 minutes, laying on the floor and crying, laying on my bed and crying, sitting on the couch and crying... it got so bad today that I couldn't sit in those horrible desks at school and had to excuse myself from class...

I am considering breaking down and taking a vicodin (ooh haven't blogged that story either... I will get to it sometime today) just for some relief but I'm holding out... If I can make it 48 more hours I can go see my wonderful chiropractor... it may be time for a full hour long work up not the normal crack and go...

Ok time to switch positions as I have been doing every few minutes once the pain becomes close to intolerable....

This sucks...

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