Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Myspace Middle School

Apparently we are all still in middle school... Top 8's apparently matter in the real world and a phone call is necessary to your BFF when your EX girlfriend removes you from her friends list. this is after you have slept with other girls and now you have to obsess about how your ex has other guys in their life... so what do you do to et back at her... of course put pictures of slutty girls on your myspace and try and make her jealous... oh yeah and since she is uber christian and hates that you use recreational drugs on occasion you take a hit off a bong adn cough for 30 minutes.

I LVOE being a grown up lol

AND PS- this post is not about me... its about my roommate!

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

for my haters... TAKE THAT

I spent years and all this time
thinking I was better off cuz you were mine
You always said it was your way or the highway
So I'm shiftin my life into drive
I'm getting out kissing the past good-bye
Like Toby said, "How do you like me now?"
This conversation has run dry
And I keep telling myself

ooooooo, ooooooo, ooooooo
There's more to me than you
ooooooo, ooooooo
Don't underestimate what I can do
Well I'm alright, it's okay
I know I'll make it through
Cuz there's more to me than you

I'm not saying I'm battered and bruised
but I might as well be with the words you used
I believe in myself, that makes me stronger
Things changed and so have I
I'm gonna make hay while the sun still shines
You can clip my wings, but I'm still gonna fly
I'm on my own and on my way
And I keep telling myself

There was always something that meant more to you than me
And I'm just sorry it's taking this for you to see

ooooooooo, ooooooo, oooooo
There's more to me than you

There's more to me than you

I know I made the right decision... but some funny things to consider

So it is allergy season in the valley... normally not a big deal but my body is getting use to new pollens...

When becoming an ag teacher here are somethings I maybe should have considered first:
1- I am allergic to Oat hay, alfalfa, grass hay, Timothy Hay and just about any other hay you would feed or bed animals on,... hahah

2- Dust also makes me have asthma attacks!

3- I am sensitive to the pollen from all the trees and crops growing...

so i didn't consider my respiratory system or my allergies before this but I'm having fun so who gives a crap if I have to sniffle and cough my way through it... although post-nasal drip is a bitch lol

Monday, September 21, 2009


Here's that feeling again... rearing it's ugly head and ruining my so-far almost perfect month. I knew I shouldn't do it I knew I should have just closed my eyes and went to sleep... but I didn't I followed up on some people like Rachel Teagle adn Aaron and Elise and there it was... hiding in a gingerbread video at http://teagblog.blogspot.com/


How I long for the happy times that were shown in the video and now I know how it feels to watch your babies grow up. There was Aly, so young... I think they had just moved here and little Ineke. She has grown up so much adn I've watched her do so many things that I knew she could do,

I miss the innocence of it all as well... for a brief moment nothing is wrong, all is well... then I look at my bank account or get the feeling i'm failing and that I'm never going to make it... I miss my friends. My family. I feel quite lonely here...

I've never been the outsider, except in those stupid games that Fe used to make up play at Leadership Overnight. But when you're at a party at your own house and you feel completely alone... that's an outsider... Or when you see pople at school who look familiar adn so you smile and wave adn say HEY! and they keep walking.. to involved in their conversation to care...

So what do I do... last time I gave up. I moved home. Not just because I was homesick but bcause I wasn't going down the right path. I really didn't want to be a nurse and I know that now. So what should do... I know I'm not giving up... I know I need to keep pushing forward... but how...

I guess I'll take the little steps... like going to an AG department Volleyball game, when I would usually go home or maybe staying after lab for the Ag Ambassador meeting even though I REALLY want ot go eat dinner and shower... I can do that.. cant I.

I knwo it sounds like a lot of bitching but, well I guess it is a lot of bitching... but OH well!

I miss everyone... Love you all and hope to see you soon... COME VISIT ME!!!

I wish...

You could go back in time and re- be nice to all those people you weren't so nice too.. Like this kid I used to TORMENT in middle school... we just bumped into each other and he's HOTT like HOTT HOTT HOTT.... so tragic...

That's the way with a lot of the little nasty nanky boyz in middle school... they get HOT and ugh... like really realy hott... grrr...

There that's the lesson be nice to those icky middle schoolers...

I can't believe I just said that.

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Dear Santa

Can I please have a GIANT microbe for christmas... pretty pretty please


Check them out... you can get a stuffed STD model or how about a stuffed H1N1 for christmas.... presents anyone... you know who you are!! I smell christmas!

Friday, September 11, 2009

Lesson Learned...perhaps

ok I was feeling great today... got to talk to Elise over facebook videos, I placed a class of market hogs correctly. Eventhough it was like 104 today I had a very good day. So this afternoon I decide to watch a movie... when I saw said movie in theaters, at night, with Elise, I cried... full on sobbed... it scared the fucking crap out of me... no joke... So today when selecting what movie I was going to stream off of netflix I chose the he-who-shall-not-be-named of movies... NO NOt Harry Potter, QUARANTINE!!!

So I am watching it on my laptop... in the brightness of day... and it starts off a little less cary then I remember in that theater at midnight. So I keep watching... the blood doesnt creep me out... nor the idea of RABIES!!! until it gets closer to the end... In the duration of the last 25 mins of the movie, the climax, I had to stop the movie 5 times... had to make something, look at another website, do dishes, make some dinner... not because I had too OH NO I was scared shitless... AGAIN!!!

so todays lesson my friends... If the movie made you so scared the first time ya saw it that you almost literally shit yourself and you sobbed hysterically for a good 20 minutes... ya probably shouldn't watch it again...

Tuesday, September 01, 2009

Things I learned today

OK so I'm going to try to wrote something that I learn every day, boring right? WRONG! it may be boring and "book-wormy" or something full of Hilariousness...

Today while in my Public Speaking class I learned a few things
a) 4-H camp rocks and brings out the inner nerd in all of us
b) I am definetly normal on the people weirdness scale
c) this kid in my class wants to become an adult film writer and enjoys making up sex/porn names for everyone. i.e. Brittney Spears= Brittney Screamer and Ben Affleck= Ben asslick... and so on and so forth...

I also learned the color coding your binders and notebooks like you did in middle school actually helps... Swine science- Pink, Public speaking blue, etc.etc.

so with that I am off to cook some dinner, buy some school supplies at Wally-World and hit the hay, because even though it was only 2 classes School still tires me out.

AND.... I have a late class tomorrow so we will see what I learn then!!