Wednesday, September 23, 2009

I know I made the right decision... but some funny things to consider

So it is allergy season in the valley... normally not a big deal but my body is getting use to new pollens...

When becoming an ag teacher here are somethings I maybe should have considered first:
1- I am allergic to Oat hay, alfalfa, grass hay, Timothy Hay and just about any other hay you would feed or bed animals on,... hahah

2- Dust also makes me have asthma attacks!

3- I am sensitive to the pollen from all the trees and crops growing...

so i didn't consider my respiratory system or my allergies before this but I'm having fun so who gives a crap if I have to sniffle and cough my way through it... although post-nasal drip is a bitch lol

1 comment:

Leesie said...

Look into allergy shots! They are supposed to be magical.