Monday, March 29, 2010

Catch me if you can!

I feel like I have been traveling a lot lately... I think it's the time of year... I seem to spend lots of time behind the wheel of my car... or at least with my butt in the seat of a car. I love cars, love driving them, love being in them-except when I get panic attacks or get car-sick... bleh... no bueno.

I think cars are an crucial part of our social structure. They force you to be in a confined social setting for, usually, long periods of time. We converse in cars, become car-eoke stars, become closer and usually we create some great and long lasting memories in them.

I had the pleasure this weekend to have some great car conversations this weekend. I got to have conversations about life, death, love, emotion, and just catching up on how things are going in general.

Things started when conversations and singing with the radio caused my battery to die, which of course caused more laughter and talking and memories.

I then got to drive with one of my closest and dearest friends for a few hours, we relived childhood memories and sang so loud that we almost couldn't talk. we also mocked the person driving behind us lol.

My weekend culminated with another long drive back to San Jose with one of my newest friends. All of my friends probably know who I am going to talk about because we don't have new friends everyday. This new friend is great. He and I get along so well and I am soooo happy he's dating my "sister". (ok I know now I really let the cat out of the bag and you all know who he is so I'll just say it!) Tommy is a great guy, he and I had some amazing conversations about everything. It's nice having a guy who's almost my age to talk too. Most of my guy friends are younger than me, I don't know why age suddenly became a part of this but oh well... This isn't a post about Tommy either lol... I don't know where I'm going with this... all I want to say is that it is refreshing to meet someone who is genuinely kind and who is caring and who can see you for more than what you look like. We should all be so lucky to have friends like that.

I know I wanted to say more but as I write my thoughts seem to escape me...

ok so updates (for all of you who aren't in my 24/7 life)

Doing: Nothing at the moment but getting ready for summer and the craziness that will ensue.
Listening: couple new Fav songs- "Vanilla Twilight"- Owl City; Ke$ha; "Hell on the Heart"- Eric Church and "Just Breath"- Pearl Jam OH and "Gimme That Girl"- Joe Nichols
Random Stuff: I am excited to be BBQing again with Big Ed's Buzzard BBQ our next event is April 10-11th in Manteca come check us out then 2 weeks later we will be at the Stockton Asparagus Festival (YUMM!!) so you should come there too- all the events are listed Here!
Other Stuff: School is out in 29 days!! YESSS!!!! Oh and I have decided to move to Fresno in the Fall- more details to come.

And on a final not I know I keep promising pictures and they will come... I am still in the process of re-organizing the new hard-drive and transferring all the crap off my old one!

So all in all things are going well! YAY!!!

Well Kor is here and we are going to go tour Stan-State (CSU Stanislaus) Woot Woot!

Love y'all,

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