Wednesday, October 28, 2009


That I plan to attend

-Stockton Asparagus Festival- April
- Gilroy Garlic Festival- July
- Oktober Fest- October
- Morgan Hill Mushroom Mardi Gras
- Artichoke Festival in Castroville
- Woody's on the Warf
- San Jose Races
- Hot August Nights in Reno
- Hot Air Balloon Festival in Ripon

That's just my preliminary List... and not counting my goal to go to al least 10 CA fairs not counting State Fair...

Sounds like fun!


Tuesday, October 27, 2009


Ok I broached on the subject that I know many of you know I care a lot about....

Kids... Children... Off-spring.. whatever you want to call em I Love em and know I am GOING to have kids...

Now there are somethings I need to lay out before you think I want to become the next crazy mom - like the pictures shown... that isn't my plan.... But I do want a larger family by todays standards... I would love to have upwards of 5 kids... I know shocking! Ok so I will touch quickly on my problems with the three families pictured below...

1. The Duggars... I think their premise is ok but the execution and the false things they have spewed are disheartening... Taking Birth Control is responsible not a reason for miscarriage.  I also don't have a problem with the amount but their kids are not exposed enough, in  my opinion, to the real world and they slightly resemble their own occult.

2/ Jon and Kate Gosslin- I LOVE their story... they successfully had a family that they so wanted. That I don't have a problem with... I just think their dad is an ass hole and Kate is too controlling... So I guess they are an image of what I hope doesn't happen to my relationship... It is sad and I feel really really bad for the kids...

3. octoMom! She just pisses me off... 8 kids in one pregnancy and all the other things that everybody knows about her... ugh... NO THANKS!! I PROMISE I WILL NEVER BECOME HER!! She's Psycho!!

There are a few reasons for this... I think that being an only child has encouraged me to want a larger family... I know people who are only children who don't want kids at all... but I don't think my life will be complete without kids...

I have always loved children... I remember holding little Rachel when she was a baby and it was sooo cool!! I also remember my first babysitting job and loving watching little Sarah (my nextdoor neighbor's kid) sleep...

I also have some fears when having kids... I am pretty sure I will not be a failure because I had a great example in my mom.

She raised me without a second parent. Yes she had WONDERFUL help from people like my Grand Parents and Aunts and Family but a lot of it you have to do alone.

My mom raised me to be a strong, independent, self-sufficient woman who can stand on her own two feet most of  the time and can pick herself up when I get knocked down.

I don't know if its just my baby internal instinct or if all women do this but I find myself looking at other women who have kids and thinking to myself what I would do differently if that were my kid... I do it at work as well...
Some things I have noted are-
-my baby needs a hat in the wintertime (thanks mom)
-babies need to be socialized... having them stay at home with mom ALL day EVERY day makes them a pain in the ass for care takers... like us poor girls at MOPS (Mothers of Pre-Schoolers)

There are more but my brian has ceased to function... so...

While I am not ready for the pitter Patter of little feet yet when that day comes I know I'll be ok... I will hopefully have the love of an amazing man who will support me in raising a child, or 5 or 6. I will also have my mom there.. guaranteed! She is my rock and I hope I can be as good of a mom as she was!

Request from Elise!!

Ok so Elise begged for a post so I am posting.. I had to think about what to blog about since nothing is jumping out at me! HAHA...

So then I decided... I am going to my blog about my new toy...


I am currently sitting on my couch wearing my sunggie! Seee!!!
Soo comfy...

I opted for the fashionable NEW leopard print versus the blue or HOT PINK...

I'm not gunna lie it is actually quite comfy and long enough for my  6ft frame... ok the suggie commercial just came on and I will tell you places that my snuggie will NOT be worn...

  • The Mall
  • The Movies
  • ANY sporting Event
  • Camping
  • In my car
  • Anywhere other than my couch... 

Ok so I am also doing two other things presently... Listening to the INTENSE wind outside and watching the little couple... its soo cute... and I'm sure they'll get tired of hearing that but they are an inspiring couple and their marathon is on TLC... ooooh and KATE from Jon and Kate plus 8 is doing a 1 on 1 interview monday... I WILL be tuning in...

OK so I also have two new addictions on FB games... FARMVILLE!!! and CAFE WORLD!!! I am truly addicted and have learned that I should not be allowed to play any online game like WOW... it would be detrimental to my health... and my social life... haha...

ummm ok I need suggestions on what to write about next... hmmmm ohhh I have decided on my Halloween Costume... but it will be a secret and if I have told you it needs to remain a secret... OK!! But it is a very Sarah costume... hahaha everyone will laugh...

Ok this is it for me for now... leave me comments on topics you want me to write about

Thats all for me for now!!

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Listen and Look...

Here is a few things I have been listening too and watching in the recent of days!

And The Simpson's "Apocolypse Cow" Episode Which I can't find now... LAME!!!

Cuz I know you all want to know...

I am super super super excited because I have a vocab midterm tomorrow!! YAY!! So to help me study you all are going to learn some vocabulary ready?

ok so I am going to give you a list of words and a list of definitions... you have to match them... some will be easy some will be harder... I will probably do 3 or 4 posts of lists and they will increase in difficulty! so get out your scratch paper...

1. Cow Hocked                  a. A term used in reference to a loss of
2. Omnivore                            appetite in animals
3. Off Feed                        b. A cow in calf; due to calve soon
4. Evisceration                   c. The First milk produced by a female-
5. Mouthing                            thicker and yellow in color.
6. Cow                                    Contains high levels of antibodies,
7. Elastration                           protein and energy.
8. Artificial Insemination   d. The removal of the internal organs
9. Scurs                                  during the slaughtering process.
10. Scours                          e. A Mature female bovine, usually
11. Abattoir                            two years or older.
12. Springer                       f. A condition in which the hocks
13. Ear Tag                            are close together but the feet
14. Abortion                          stand apart
15. Colostrum                    g. Related animals of the same
16. Anestrous                        generation.
17. Sibling                         h. Premature expulsion of the fetus.
18. Herbivore                     i. The method of castrating young
                                              male animals by choking off
                                              circulation to the testicles by means
                                              of a heavy ring put in place with
                                               a special tool.
                                            j. Animals that eat plant
                                               origin foods only.
                                            k. The process of inspecting an animals
                                                 teeth (usually sheep and horses) to
                                                 determine the age
                                            l. Period of time when the female is    
                                               not in estrus; the non-
                                               breeding season.
                                           m. Animals that eat both animal and
                                                 plant origin feeds.
                                           n. A metal or plastic tag fastened to the                            
                                               ear of an animal for the purpose of

Answers will be posted in a comment... Good Luck... and look for quiz 2!

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Adventures in Food

So tonight I decided to be extravagent and eat some STEAK!!! The Reddest of all red meats and not only was it steak it was Filet Minogion YAY!!! 

So as I was cooking steak I was talking on the phone to Leesie we were discussing the soon t be released epic video whiich will be posted here and we got on the discussion of food.

She asked what I was having for dinner and I said Steak... just Steak.. no toppings.. no sides... just steak... lol

So then I started rattling off random things in my cubbords- Top Ramen, Hannah Montana Cereal, Honey Nut Cheerios, Double Stufft Oreo's and so on and so forth...

So this gourmet meal was concocted and this is what I achieved...

A fuzzy Navel, Lovely Tacky Candles, Hannah Montana Cereal in a martini glass, Double Stuft Oreos, A lovely steak and a shot glass of ketchup.


And as I went to take the phone died... FML!! so I had to wait until my phone re-charged... which of course took FOREVER!!!!  and when it charged I took this lovely picture to show everyone my accomplishments
<----------------- see awesomeness!!!

So after I took the picture I sat down and I used my obnoxiously large knife to cut open my steak only to realize that... it was RAW in the middle... DAMNIT!!!!

So now that I have this lovely meal all set and now I have to Re-CoOK mt Steak... :(

So I re cooked my steak and it was deliciously perfect... just the way i like it.. STILL MOOING!!!!


Oh so tastey!!!

So that was my adventure in dinner this evening.... so I will sit and digest to the blissful sounds of South Park
I know I want kids. That is a 100% for sure. But in watching 18 kids an counting it makes me scared. What if by some freak genetic accident I either end up with like 25 kids or Michelle Duggar took all my baby mojo and I can't have kids. That would definetly suck.

Tuesday, October 13, 2009


I had two very weird dreams last night... and I remember them this morning which is weird...

The first one I don't remember as clearly but I was a part of CSI (LOL) and all the characters were there, ray, greg, nick, cathrin, and me! We were driving around and I got in a really really horrible car accident... which freaked me out because I get a little jumpy about car accidents... and then when my car got fixed we all went out to breakfast, like they do on the show and then when my car got returned to me it was BRIGHT ORANGE and had no CD player... OH and Tiff's One Tree Hill CD was all cracked.

The second Dream was like I was at a college somewhere and Aaron was there and my roommate was apparently given the death sentence but we were still living in the same apartment... oh and my roommate wasn't Kyle it was someone else... and so the time came for him to be executed and his was by a gun shot to the head... and they lead him out into the school quad and EVERYONE from the school was there and they all were watching and the people on the bleachers were wearing ponchos to keep the blood off them..
So he put the gun up to his cheek bone, pointed at his brain and he pulled the trigger and the gun fired but he wasn't dead, he was still standing so he fired again... this time his skull like broke apart and flew off and all of his organs started to spit out (think alien like) it was weird... but apparently he wasn't dead because his friends were like WAIT he's not dead and they rushed forward and started ripping the veins outta his arms, because apparently that would kill him... I remember walking back to the dorm with Aaron and we had to be searched... it was weird....

Sunday, October 11, 2009


I have missed music... I miss singing freely... joining those tones together to make a beautiful chord, playin with the chords to make them diminished, minors back to major its all so beautiful and peaceful...

at some point is ceased to be fun and thats when I left...

but I have definetly appreciated it. I love that I can hear chord changes and syncopation and can pick out a bas line and most of the time I can pick out the harmony... its almost magical... a secret language... I mean I'm no expert.. I went to HS with people who are becoming professional musicians and I will be a farmer! :D but I'm ok with that!!

So this afternoon I took a break from studying ( i really had to rip myself away) ;) but I turned up my music as loud s my laptop would allow and closed my eyes and listened! it was beautiful peaceful bliss... I love doing things like that...

call me weird but whatever... and OMG when The Bells of Notre Dame came on from the Hunchback of Notre Damn I cried... hearing those bells... it takes my breath away... ok had to listen to it again...

so beautiful...

ok so this 10 minute post was a side-note/ break... but I need to finish work so...

c ya later!!

Saturday, October 10, 2009

My Saturday night...

This apparently is going to be a typical saturday night... this is how it looks..

Me... bored... its great...

I'm watching Dirty Jobs... It's fun... really...

Talking to Rachel! Talking to Rachel makes me want sushi!

I am so excited for Thanksgiving... I can't wait to eat yummy sushi and see my friends and go shopping!!


This was my first lame dinner tonight! I'm usually a good cook but tonight sucked for some reason...

So here I sit... alone.. bored... watching my puppy sleep (ok it's Kyle's puppy but whatever...)

Ok y'all talk to you later... I'll probably post another one later... when I'm nor too distracted with Dirty Jobs! (YAY!!!)

Friday, October 09, 2009

New title!!

Ok my blog finally has a name... it took a while but I found it very fitting... its a two fold type thing but it fits...

Hate it? Love it? let me know!?


So I abandoned my 4-H week blog... YAY 4-H...

If you needed to know more about 4-H then just know its AWESOME but has some politics so you just gotta get with the right people!! YAY 4-H.. Happy National 4-H Week!!!'

So... oops wrong color any way soooo life is grand! I am enjoying Mo-town!! Maybe this weekend I shall photo-document my new digs!! Ok so updates

  • Red Meat project due this week! eek!!
  • First unit test!! EEK!!! Double EEK!!!
Party tonight! Yippee!!

Definetly ready for rain this week! y'all get it monday,... we get it tuesday morning... possible Monday night!

Ummmm... I don;'t know what else much is goin on...

If you guys have things you want me to write about leave me a comment and I shall investigate... maybe a movie will follow this evening!! YAY!!

ok y'all!

Tuesday, October 06, 2009

in honor of...

National 4-H week I have decided to blog about a different aspect of 4-H this week.. I'll start with the pledge and then finish with some other fun tidbits...

So lets just clarify for you Non- 4-H ers..

As I loyal 4-H member...
I pledge my head to clearer thinking
My heart to greater Loyalty
My hands for larger service
and my health for better living 
for my club, my community, my country and my world

so... I pledge my head to clearer thinking....

In the last couple years the thinking clearly thing has been harder and harder as the beurocracy of it all presses down on the fun you are having... but being in 4-H has taught me to believe that I can do it... I have learned to think the problem through, to look at the other side and to view not only your argument but the opposing side.

I pledge my head to clearer thinking... ok this was a hard place to start, harder than I thought... I think one of the more confusing parts of the pledge... I mean you can say it but to think that you pledge to think clearer...

I guess when you look at it as a bigger picture... as pledging to think not only in your  house but in your community and your country. When all the shit happens you need to look beyond yourself and figure out what is best for the group as a whole...

So today... think clearer.... put yourself in your neighbors shoes... and look for tomorrow... when we pledge....

our hearts to greater loyalty

Friday, October 02, 2009

Happy Surprises

I LOVE those happy surprises like finding $20 in your jeans pocket after the wash, or when you are walking and it starts raining or when that little girl with pigtails and ribbon in her hair waves at you out the back of a car window.

Today the form of a happy surprise came from an email and I quote:
"Ranch accident: not me, cows
No Class
B there next week

It was a wonderful thing!

But instead of crashing back asleep I have decided to pack up earlier adn go visit Eva and Derek!! YAY!!!

I havent seen them since.... JUNE!!! OMG!!! SINCE JUNE REALLY????? Yup so I am visiting them, then going home...

Who's wants to help with my red meat project... it should be fun!! we get to go grocery shopping without spending any money!! HAHAHAHA

Ok thats all

See ya soon!

Thursday, October 01, 2009

A funny thing happened....

Ok so i went on a walk this evening... it was nice... I walked down by the irrigation canal and then back through the neighborhood... the second part of the walk took me WAAAAY longer than the first... can anyone guess why?

Its because I only had one shoe... my other shoe fell into the canal. The canal, for those of you who don't live in irrigated areas looks kinda like this...

Now you might be saying, Sarah, if the shoes were on your feet how did one wind up in the canal... well I will tell you...

So I'm walking along and I get a rock in my shoe... I cant stand rocks in my shoe... so I sat down and pulled of my shoe and thought I got the rock out. Now instead of putting that show back on my foot I set it down next to me... as I go to remove my ther shoe (with out untying it, like I've done since I was a kid) my elbow hits my right shoe and splash! into the canal it goes... I immedietly go SHIT! and grab a stick to try and fish for my shoe... this causes it to fill up with water and sink...

So I take off my socks and hoof it home... carrying 1 shoe...
Guess it's time for new walking shoes!