Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Cuz I know you all want to know...

I am super super super excited because I have a vocab midterm tomorrow!! YAY!! So to help me study you all are going to learn some vocabulary ready?

ok so I am going to give you a list of words and a list of definitions... you have to match them... some will be easy some will be harder... I will probably do 3 or 4 posts of lists and they will increase in difficulty! so get out your scratch paper...

1. Cow Hocked                  a. A term used in reference to a loss of
2. Omnivore                            appetite in animals
3. Off Feed                        b. A cow in calf; due to calve soon
4. Evisceration                   c. The First milk produced by a female-
5. Mouthing                            thicker and yellow in color.
6. Cow                                    Contains high levels of antibodies,
7. Elastration                           protein and energy.
8. Artificial Insemination   d. The removal of the internal organs
9. Scurs                                  during the slaughtering process.
10. Scours                          e. A Mature female bovine, usually
11. Abattoir                            two years or older.
12. Springer                       f. A condition in which the hocks
13. Ear Tag                            are close together but the feet
14. Abortion                          stand apart
15. Colostrum                    g. Related animals of the same
16. Anestrous                        generation.
17. Sibling                         h. Premature expulsion of the fetus.
18. Herbivore                     i. The method of castrating young
                                              male animals by choking off
                                              circulation to the testicles by means
                                              of a heavy ring put in place with
                                               a special tool.
                                            j. Animals that eat plant
                                               origin foods only.
                                            k. The process of inspecting an animals
                                                 teeth (usually sheep and horses) to
                                                 determine the age
                                            l. Period of time when the female is    
                                               not in estrus; the non-
                                               breeding season.
                                           m. Animals that eat both animal and
                                                 plant origin feeds.
                                           n. A metal or plastic tag fastened to the                            
                                               ear of an animal for the purpose of

Answers will be posted in a comment... Good Luck... and look for quiz 2!


Leesie said...

Number 7 is my fav

Sarah said...

ok results... since I know at least Elise wants to know...
1. F
2. M
3. A
4. D
5. K
6. E
7. i
8. I can't fine the answer.... hmmm maybe I didn't put it on the list... crap...
9. I cna't find this one either... I musta been really distracted
10. the Hershey Squirts ususlaly affects younger animals
11. A Slaughter House
12. A
13. M
14. H
15. C
16. L
17. G
18. J