Tuesday, October 27, 2009


Ok I broached on the subject that I know many of you know I care a lot about....

Kids... Children... Off-spring.. whatever you want to call em I Love em and know I am GOING to have kids...

Now there are somethings I need to lay out before you think I want to become the next crazy mom - like the pictures shown... that isn't my plan.... But I do want a larger family by todays standards... I would love to have upwards of 5 kids... I know shocking! Ok so I will touch quickly on my problems with the three families pictured below...

1. The Duggars... I think their premise is ok but the execution and the false things they have spewed are disheartening... Taking Birth Control is responsible not a reason for miscarriage.  I also don't have a problem with the amount but their kids are not exposed enough, in  my opinion, to the real world and they slightly resemble their own occult.

2/ Jon and Kate Gosslin- I LOVE their story... they successfully had a family that they so wanted. That I don't have a problem with... I just think their dad is an ass hole and Kate is too controlling... So I guess they are an image of what I hope doesn't happen to my relationship... It is sad and I feel really really bad for the kids...

3. octoMom! She just pisses me off... 8 kids in one pregnancy and all the other things that everybody knows about her... ugh... NO THANKS!! I PROMISE I WILL NEVER BECOME HER!! She's Psycho!!

There are a few reasons for this... I think that being an only child has encouraged me to want a larger family... I know people who are only children who don't want kids at all... but I don't think my life will be complete without kids...

I have always loved children... I remember holding little Rachel when she was a baby and it was sooo cool!! I also remember my first babysitting job and loving watching little Sarah (my nextdoor neighbor's kid) sleep...

I also have some fears when having kids... I am pretty sure I will not be a failure because I had a great example in my mom.

She raised me without a second parent. Yes she had WONDERFUL help from people like my Grand Parents and Aunts and Family but a lot of it you have to do alone.

My mom raised me to be a strong, independent, self-sufficient woman who can stand on her own two feet most of  the time and can pick herself up when I get knocked down.

I don't know if its just my baby internal instinct or if all women do this but I find myself looking at other women who have kids and thinking to myself what I would do differently if that were my kid... I do it at work as well...
Some things I have noted are-
-my baby needs a hat in the wintertime (thanks mom)
-babies need to be socialized... having them stay at home with mom ALL day EVERY day makes them a pain in the ass for care takers... like us poor girls at MOPS (Mothers of Pre-Schoolers)

There are more but my brian has ceased to function... so...

While I am not ready for the pitter Patter of little feet yet when that day comes I know I'll be ok... I will hopefully have the love of an amazing man who will support me in raising a child, or 5 or 6. I will also have my mom there.. guaranteed! She is my rock and I hope I can be as good of a mom as she was!


Leesie said...

Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwweeeeee <3!!!

Sarah said...

Mom is going to kill me for posting those pictures!!