Tuesday, October 13, 2009


I had two very weird dreams last night... and I remember them this morning which is weird...

The first one I don't remember as clearly but I was a part of CSI (LOL) and all the characters were there, ray, greg, nick, cathrin, and me! We were driving around and I got in a really really horrible car accident... which freaked me out because I get a little jumpy about car accidents... and then when my car got fixed we all went out to breakfast, like they do on the show and then when my car got returned to me it was BRIGHT ORANGE and had no CD player... OH and Tiff's One Tree Hill CD was all cracked.

The second Dream was like I was at a college somewhere and Aaron was there and my roommate was apparently given the death sentence but we were still living in the same apartment... oh and my roommate wasn't Kyle it was someone else... and so the time came for him to be executed and his was by a gun shot to the head... and they lead him out into the school quad and EVERYONE from the school was there and they all were watching and the people on the bleachers were wearing ponchos to keep the blood off them..
So he put the gun up to his cheek bone, pointed at his brain and he pulled the trigger and the gun fired but he wasn't dead, he was still standing so he fired again... this time his skull like broke apart and flew off and all of his organs started to spit out (think alien like) it was weird... but apparently he wasn't dead because his friends were like WAIT he's not dead and they rushed forward and started ripping the veins outta his arms, because apparently that would kill him... I remember walking back to the dorm with Aaron and we had to be searched... it was weird....

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